V-Ray 5 for 3ds Max – Part 2

v-ray 5 for 3ds max

Features list


’s powerful CPU and GPU rendering is built to handle the toughest projects and demands of high-end production.

▪ CPU rendering, GPU rendering, Resumable rendering, Denoising, Debug shading

Lighting & illumination

V-Ray helps users create the highest quality renders possible. It analyzes a design according to its actual lighting and the true reflections and refractions of its materials. You can choose from a variety of lights.

▪ Adaptive lights, Lighting Analysis tools, Accurate lights, Global Illumination

Cameras & optical effects

V-Ray supports any commonly used camera type options. V-Ray also has additional advanced controls for camera effects.

▪ Lens effects, Point & Shoot camera, Photorealistic cameras, VR


V-Ray supports a versatile selection of materials to achieve different looks — from simulating simple surface properties like plastics and metals to complex uses such as translucent objects, subsurface materials like skin and light-emitting objects.

▪ Physically based materials, physical V-Ray Hair material, Metalness, V-Ray Toon Shader, Chaos Scans


A wide variety of memory-efficient textures are also available to use with V-Ray materials. V-Ray has all the texturing capabilities required for production rendering.

▪ Memory-efficient textures, Triplanar mapping, Rounded corners


There are different ways V-Ray can create and modify geometry objects in a scene, including primitives andprocedural geometry, modifiers, proxy objects, particle instancing, volume grids, etc.

▪ Proxy geometry, V-Ray Clipper with render-time booleans, Hair and Fur, Specialty geometry

Atmospheric & volumetric effects

The atmospheric and environment effects in V-Ray simulate fog, atmospheric haze and participating media for a number of image effects.

▪ Volume rendering, Aerial Perspective

Render Elements

With V-Ray, users can choose from nearly 40 unique beauty, utility and matte passes to give them more control over their rendered images in compositing.

▪ Render Elements, Cryptomatte

What’s new in V-Ray 5 for 3ds Max?

V-Ray 5 for 3ds Max is the most complete 3D rendering software for artists and designers. V-Ray 5 for 3ds Max’s modern and efficient material library workflow, faster look-development with material presets, and flexible post-processing features can save users time, take them beyond just rendering and help them focus on artistic exploration — from a single creation tool.

Post-processing with V-Ray

Light mixing, Layered compositing, Light Path Expressions

Learn more about the Light Mix in V-Ray 5.

Added with Update 1

▪ Masking in V-Ray Frame Buffer

▪ Multiple additive Dome Lights

Optimized lighting & shading workflow

Artists can focus on designs and worry less about creating materials and textures. Access to the material library means users can initiate their custom materials in no time. A new Sun & Sky analytical model dramatically improves lighting at sunrise and sunset.

Material Library and Browser, Material presets, Material previews, Coat and Sheen layer, Texture
randomization, Stochastic texture tiling, Extended V-Ray Dirt
New Sun and Sky model
Native ACEScg supportChaos Cosmos
Advanced material overrideAuto-translation of Physical Materials
New V-Ray Material translucencyImproved V-Ray Material in viewport

Added with Update 1

bertrand benoit norsouth living interior design vray 3ds max

Superior quality, extra fast

V-Ray is known for its physically-accurate, photorealistic results. With the latest update, artists can achieve real-world reflections and refractions in less time with progressively calculated caustics. Added with Update 1

▪ Progressive caustics

Why should users choose V-Ray 5 for 3ds Max?

  • The redefined V-Ray Frame Buffer means users can now use one tool for rendering and basic compositing without going back and forth between different apps.
  • From a single render, users can simulate many light environments and instantly tweak specific parts of their scene.
  • Access to the material library means users can jump-start their custom materials in no time.
  • Users can automate their lighting and shading process with a selection of tools and presets for faster results with fewer clicks.
  • The latest V-Ray GPU enhancements in V-Ray 5 allow users to fully utilize their hardware for maximum performance.
  • V-Ray 5 introduces even quicker ways to handle tasks, such as with the newly added material presets.
  • Artists can now manipulate different lighting scenarios interactively and even after rendering, without having to render again.
  • Users can easily avoid seams in their textures with texture randomizations. Achieve real-world reflections and refractions in less time with progressively calculated caustics.