1 1001 Bit Tools

A free extension with professional versions

1001 bit Tools is a series of tools simplifying drawing structural geometry in 3D models.

1001 bit tools

2 Profile Builder

If you are planning to paint a wall, railing or fence, you should try Profile Builder. It allows you to assemble arrays of geometry, mirrored along user-defined path.

profile builder

3 Framer

Not everyone frames their models, but if you need it, then try Framer. 

Framer makes adding wall frames to a model quick and easy.


4 Vali Instant

There’s a lot to learn. With extensions, we can do everything from cladding to curb,…

The suitcase Vali Instant can add great details to your model.

Vali Instant

5 Medeek Truss Plugin

In addition to truss, frame, support layouts, extensions from Medeek have been upgraded to a toolkit that helps you frame the entire structure from foundation to advanced.

There’s a good many great extensions, here is a list of the most basic ones recommended.

medeek truss plugin

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