When exporting a SketchUp file to Revit, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • A well organized model will help make the transition from SketchUp to Revit a success.
  • Make sure you know which version of Revit you are using. If you are using an older version of Revit, you may want to save your Sketchup model using a version of SketchUp one year older than the Revit version.
  • Understand how you want to use your SketchUp model in Revit. The best method to import your model depends on what you are trying to do in Revit.

Import your SketchUp files into Revit using one of the following methods:

  • As an “In-Place” Component
  • As a “Link”
  • As an IFC Export

SketchUp as an In-Place Component

An “In-Place” component can be assigned family categories allowing users to make changes. Additionally, an OmniClass Number can be assigned for scheduling and keynoting.

You might want to import your SketchUp file as an In-Place component if:

  • You want to use the SketchUp file for concept and schematic Design – Use your SketchUp model for concept and schematic design. The model will be a reference in Revit when creating native Revit walls, floors, and roofs.
  • You want to use the SketchUp file for unique or custom elements – Use your model to create unique or custom objects that are difficult to create natively in Revit (e.g. Stairs, feature walls, built-ins).
  • You want to use something from 3D Warehouse – 3D Warehouse is a great resource for model elements that may not be available within Revit (e.g. furniture, casework, and light fixtures).

Use the following steps to import a SketchUp model as an “In-Place” component:

  1. Open Revit and select Architecture> Component > Model In-Place…
  2. Select the Revit Family type you want assigned to your SketchUp model (e.g. mass, generic family, furniture).
  3. Select Insert > Link CAD… and choose which SketchUp file you want to import.

The SketchUp model is now an In-Place component in your Revit project and you can now:

  • Tag entities
  • Input “Identity Data” (Select Family → Edit Type)
  • Utilize cut in plans, sections, and elevations
  • Filter by Revit family type
  • Control and override graphics at a family level

Any tags in your SketchUp model will become the “layers” that can be controlled with Revit’s visibility graphics.

SketchUp as a Link

SketchUp is often used to create detailed site models or context models. When using your SketchUp model as a “Link,” the SketchUp model is used to provide context alongside the Revit model. Linked SketchUp models can be used for site and scoping plans, renderings or 3D views where additional urban context is needed, detailing adjacent structures, or showing infrastructure on a large site.

To use a SketchUp file as a “Link,” open Revit and select Insert > Link CAD (file type .skp) … and choose your SketchUp file. The SketchUp model is now a linked file in Revit and inserted at Revit’s “Internal Origin” (similar to SketchUp’s origin point).

Once you’ve linked your SketchUp file to your Revit project, you can now:

  • Snap to the linked model with Revit’s drawing and measuring tools.
  • Develop the linked model in SketchUp and continually reloaded into Revit by updating the link.
  • Control SketchUp’s tags using Revit’s visibility tools.
  • Toggle links to large models on or off per view or view template.
  • Collaborate with SketchUp designers or production team members with no Revit knowledge.

SketchUp as an IFC Export

When you insert your SketchUp model into your Revit project as an IFC export, the model becomes integrated with your project and allows you to control all object and visibility options at the Revit family level.

Before you get started, make sure you have done the following:

  • All geometry in your model is in a group or designated as a component. All entities should be true 3D objects. For example, walls should be 3D shapes, not just single panes.
  • Each entity is water tight. Check the Entity Info for each group or component. If Entity Info contains a volume or designates the entity as a Solid Group or Solid Component, the group/component is water tight.
  • If possible, group typical wall systems as straight segments. Revit does not interpret IFC walls that contain returns or height offsets, which can hinder the ability to host Revit families.
  • Materials must be applied to a group or component. Materials applied to raw geometry will not transfer in the IFC export.
  • Classify all the components and groups as IFC objects. This can be done while you are creating a component, through the Entity Info dialog, or by using the SketchUp Classifier menu/tool.

Once you have made sure your model will transfer as intended, you can export your model by following these steps:

  1. Select File > Export > 3D Model…
  2. Select 2.3 IFC
  3. Open your Revit project and select File > Open > IFC…
  4. Choose your SketchUp model’s IFC file

After you import the file, all SketchUp groups and components assigned an IFC classification become Revit In-Place components with the correct Revit Family classification and can now:

  • Host windows, doors, and face based families
  • Tag and schedule families
  • Filter by Revit family type
  • Edit the family
  • Utilize cut in plans, sections, and elevations
  • Input “Identity Data” (Select Family → Edit Type)

Source: help.sketchup.com
