This is your chance to get the Flash Promo up to 15% for Autodesk products!
from 07.10 to 15.10.2021
AutoCAD IST, AutoCAD LT, Revit LT Suite
- 15% off SRP for New AutoCAD Annual Subscription (Single-user)
- 15% off SRP for New AutoCAD 3-Year Subscription (Single-user
- 10% off SRP for New AutoCAD LT Annual Subscription (Single-user)
- 10% off SRP for New AutoCAD LT 3-Year Subscription (Single-user)
- 10% off SRP for New Revit LT Suite Annual Subscription (Single-user)
- 10% off SRP for New Revit LT Suite 3-Year Subscription (Single-user)
– Customers who buy new and do not have an unrenewed subscription in October, November, 2021
– Offer is not valid with any other promotions
Contact Konia
Customer Service:
Ms. Nhan – (+84) 38.342.8720 | nhan.pham@konia-group.com
Ms. Thuy – (+84) 98.2513.250 | thuy.duong@konia-group.com